In hindsight, I would say that I was looking for several things: someone I wanted to work with, someone who wasn’t merely talking but doing, someone who was talented, and, I think above all else, someone who was passionate. If you asked me what was missing in the bulk of the pitches I received, I would say it was passion. If you asked me what I think journalism schools are not teaching their journalists, it’s how to pitch. As newsrooms shrink and disappear, one can imagine the ranks of freelancers will rise, and the jobs will go to those who know how to sell themselves.I had a great time doing this. Here's why I did it.
I was depressed. Nothing was helping. Then I remembered something I read somewhere that said if you do something for someone else, it will help you.
I wanted to give something. I read a post in which someone apologetically asked for something. I thought it would be better to unapologetically give something.
I could. Sometimes people do good things because they can, and sometimes people do bad things because they can. It's better to do the former.