Now, it's on me. I'll set about collecting the content: taking photographs, doing interviews, transcribing, editing, uploading. I'm not sure when the launch date will be, but I'm hoping it will launch in the not too distant future.
It's been weird to be in this sort of limbo, finishing up what I worked on for many, many years, and now, finally, moving on to a new project that will take me in another direction. In my head, and sometimes to other people, I keep defining myself by the stuff I used to do. I'm looking forward to having somebody new to be.
Previously, I've been worried about the photographs I'll be taking for this project -- if they'll be good enough. Lately, that sounds more and more like bullshit. Maybe how good, or good it isn't, isn't really the point. Maybe the point is the curiosity, the question, the intention. Maybe that's enough. Maybe moving forward is more important than where I end up, because, right now, God knows where that will be.
Oh, and the site. It looks amazing. The Bishop rocks.