I get email
Good Day Susannah,
I'm actually not very sure as for the reason I'm emailing you. Nevertheless, I have started so I think I should carry on.
Perhaps I should say one reason is that you triggered my curiosity in a very particular way. Let's see, you are a successful writer who in addition has an affair with photography, you travel a lot, you are intelligent, entrepreneur and very appealing... I can't help feeling true admiration for you.
It is not my intention to bug you with flattering comments, and to be honest, I'm not sure I have an intention at all. I just felt something moved inside me when I learned about you nearly 8 minutes ago (shame on me) and I immediately thought on sending you a message. To touch base. To make sure you're real. Maybe, hopelessly looking forward to a reply and moreover, a bond between us.
If you got this far reading, I feel lucky, and yet I ask you to please allow me to try to express what I think crossed my mind and excited my whole self. You could either be "THE kind of woman" I've always dreamed of, at the same time you represent all I've ever wanted to be and accomplish myself. Ha, I feel silly, I'm saying I have a crush on you and that I envy you all at the same time!
Anyways... I enjoy writing but never have been really good at it. I'd love to be a photographer as I like taking pictures a lot and I tend to look for good compositions, lots of drama or capturing emotions... I hardly accomplish that, but I refuse to give up. I have travelling around the world has been extremely poor, despite the fact I savor each and every trip. And, at last but not least, I have a really hard time expressing my self, my emotions, my thoughts, my insights, anything. I mostly have an internal storm of ideas, feelings, projects, opinions, deep in the dark and sometimes they never get to see light.
So, to make a long story short... I think you are great as you do get to speak Susannah's voice out of its silence.
Woman... you are the man!!!
[Image via
This Isn't Happiness]