Today, I was downsized from my full-time job as an editor.
Now, I'm looking for a new full-time, part-time, or freelance job.
Can you help?
I am an experienced editor, journalist, blogger, publicist, online outreach coordinator, social media marketer, photographer, and machine-like content generator.
I am an excellent writer, a rock star traffic-generator, and a generally awesome person.
If you know of a part-time, full-time, or freelance opportunity, or if you know of someone who may know of one, I would love to hear from you.
Here are some of my skills:
1. Freelance Journalist. For the last 15 years, I've been a freelance journalist. My primary beat is culture. I've covered everything from Hollywood to war to technology to movies to books to sex. I've been a movie critic, a book reviewer, and a dating columnist. I've written features, articles, listicles, essays, and more for magazines, newspapers, weeklies, and websites such as Newsweek, Harper's Bazaar, Details, Salon, Slate, The Daily Beast, Radar Online, The San Francisco Chronicle, Esquire.com, Movieline.com, Variety, Wired News, The LA Weekly, the UK's Arena, France's Max, The New York Post, The Vancouver Sun, Playboy.com, and many others. As a pundit, I was a regular on "Politically Incorrect." I've appeared on CNN, Fox News, and NPR.
"If You Don't Know Susannah Breslin, You Should"2. Online Editor. For the past 2.5 years (until today), I was an Associate Editor for Time Warner/Turner's The Frisky. I generated multiple blog posts daily for the site (nearly 1,500 to date) and led the online outreach program, helping grow the site from 100,000 unique visitors a month to over 4 million unique visitors and 20+ million page views a month. I also worked with freelance contributors, filled in as lead editor, copy edited, and assisted the marketing department in developing partnerships. I am familiar with multiple content management systems, Photoshop, and basic HTML. I am smart, savvy, and driven. With fifteen years of online editing and writing experience and eight years of blogging experience, I get what works online.
At 6'1", Susannah Breslin is a force to be reckoned with. And, like anyone worth listening to, she calls it like she sees it. With the majority of her written work focused on adult topics [e.g. pornography, politics, and packin' heat] she garners little sympathy from the ultra-feminist and ultra-conservative crowds. But you don't have to agree with her. You just have to be open to the possibilities. After all, sometimes it takes a whistle blower -- no matter how tawdry or taboo the subject -- to gets ears bleeding. And that, my friends, takes balls of steel.
3. Professional Blogger. I've been blogging since 2002, when I created the popular Reverse Cowgirl blog, one of Salon's most-read blogs. In "Julie & Julia," when Julie says, "My blog is the third most popular blog [on Salon]," my blog was one of the top two. In 2008, Time.com declared me one of the year's best bloggers. I've guest blogged twice for the internationally-acclaimed and award-winning Boing Boing. I created one of True/Slant's most popular blogs, Off the Record. Even the Old Spice guy reads my blog posts. I am outspoken, entertaining, and hilarious.
4. Social Marketing Strategist. If you're looking for someone who knows how to use social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter to increase reader engagement, site traffic, and/or brand awareness, I'm your girl. I social network like Michael Jordan shoots hoops. If you are interested in discussing topics like "online verticals," "social marketing," and "core destinations," I know of what you speak. I will amaze you with my ability to influence the influencers, strategically execute strategies, and communicate interpersonally. I am responsible, hard-working, and live online.
5. Wait, There's More. I hold a BA in English from the University of California at Berkeley and an MA in Writing from the University of Illinois at Chicago. I'm a published photographer. I've produced TV segments. I am a jack of all trades and a master of several. Snap me up before someone else does.
Please feel free to link to, retweet, or otherwise distribute this post.
Or, you know, just HIRE ME.
[Photo by Clayton Cubitt]